Best Practices for Using Salesmen

We're trying our best to be politically correct here. Please bear with us. Salesmen, saleswomen, sales representatives, or account managers are simply words to describe the responsible person for each quote and customer. We're not trying to offend anyone.

This page is not meant to be a replacement for the MasterQ manual, rather it is an over view of the many options available. It is intended to give you an idea of how flexible this system is.

starting a new quote

Accessing Salesmen from the Menu

Salesmen records may be accessed several ways in MasterQ. The easiest way to by using the Browse|Sales Rep command on the main menu.

Browse List of Salesmen

The list on the right shows what your salemen list might look like. "Active" salesmen are shown in bold. This has nothing to do with the number of inquiries they generate. Rather, it is a way to prevent ex-salesmen from appearing in current reports or selection lists.
quantity to quote
quantity to quote

Salesmen Form

A unique salemen number is assigned to each new salesmen you create. You only need to enter in a salemen name, but we recommend adding additional information, especially the email address.
The book icon in the lower left corner gives you access to all notes related to this salesmen. You can create as many notes as you like. In addition, MasterQ can create some notes automatically under certain circumstances. An example is having a note automatically created when a quote is created for one of the salesman's accounts. If notes exist for the salemen, the book icon will appear as an open book. If no notes currently exist, the icon shows a closed book.

Setting the Active Salesman status

It is not a good idea to delete a salesmen record because you would lose all of your accumulated history. Instead, just uncheck the Active Salesman box. This will prevent the salesman from appearing in various reports or being offered as a choice when selecting a salesman for a new account.

payment terms form

Additional Salesmen Information

There are several tabs that display information filtered for one particular sales representative. The quotes tab shows quotes completed for the salesman's accounts. Pending (active) quotes are shown in bold. Quotes that have been marked "closed" are shown in smaller type.

The customers tab lists the accounts assigned to this salesman.

payment terms form

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